Homeland Environmental
Jon Blevins
Jon received a degree from the Community College of Baltimore County in air traffic control. His goal was to become an air traffic controller, but that was hindered due to government cutbacks. Jon worked for Tim’s former landscaping company from 2006 to 2010.  During that time, they maintained a working relationship and developed a friendship.  Jon pursued other ventures for a few years, got married, and realized that a new career may be needed. Tim proposed that Jon work for him and Jon accepted in May of 2013. Tim furthered Jon’s education and Jon now has his septic inspector’s license through the Maryland Onsite Wastewater Professional Association certification (MOWPA), a water sampling license through Maryland Department of the Environment, training in Best Available Technology (BAT) septic tanks, and training in Innovative and Advanced (I&A) Systems certified by MOWPA. Jon is currently licensed as a Well Pump Installer, which is required for yield tests in Baltimore County.