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Tim Shotzberger Graduates from Maryland Realtors Leadership Academy

Annapolis, MD (4/27/18) - - Tim Shotzberger was one of twenty graduates from the Maryland REALTORS® eighteenth annual Leadership Academy honored at ceremonies held in Annapolis.

The Maryland REALTORS® Leadership Academy was formed by REALTORS® who understand the important role they play in their community and the need to enhance the leadership skills, knowledge, and competencies of fellow REALTORS® interested in making a difference in their personal lives and in their communities.

Home Land Environmental is a strong advocate and recognizes the importance of this program to our company's future.

The Maryland REALTORS® Leadership Academy offers an intensive curriculum designed to develop skills in leadership, communications, strategic planning, legislative and government affairs and community involvement. Classes are conducted over 7 months and stress the value of professional and personal commitment to business, charitable and civic endeavors.

“Today we honor you as future leaders in communities and within our REALTOR® organization and thank you for your willingness to step into a leadership role,” said 2018 President BoydCampbell. He added, “You have already achieved so much.” David Charron, Bright MLS ChiefStrategy Officer addressed the graduates and guests. Charron told the graduates, “the path of leadership is crooked and dormant until it happens...things that don’t make sense get disrupted and that’s when leaders emerge.”

The MRIS Investors and REALTORS® Property Recourse (RPR) sponsored the 2017-18Maryland REALTORS® Leadership Academy event and were recognized for their support.

The Maryland REALTORS® is the largest Maryland professional trade association serving over24,000 members and is dedicated to preserving the vitality of the real estate market.REALTORS® is a registered collective membership mark which may only be used by those realestate professionals who subscribe to the REALTORS® organization's strict Code of Ethics, and who are members of the National, State and Local REALTORS® organization.

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